# ZoneMinder Binding

Supports the ZoneMinder video surveillance system.

# Supported Things

The following thing types are supported:

Thing ID Discovery Description
Server server Manual Server bridge manages all communication with ZoneMinder server
Monitor monitor Automatic Monitor represents a ZoneMinder camera monitor

# Installation

The binding requires ZoneMinder version 1.34.0 or greater and API version 2.0 or greater. It also requires that you enable the OPT_USE_API parameter in the ZoneMinder configuration.

If your ZoneMinder is installed using a non-standard URL path or port number, that must be specified when you add the ZoneMinder server thing.

There are two different styles of operation, depending on whether or not you have ZoneMinder configured to use authentication.

# Non-Authenticated

If ZoneMinder authentication is not used, the User and Password parameters should be empty in the ZoneMinder Server thing configuration. No other configuration is required.

# Authenticated

The binding can access ZoneMinder with or without authentication. If ZoneMinder authentication is used, first make sure the ZoneMinder user has the API Enabled permission set in the ZoneMinder Users configuration. Then, enter the user name and password into the ZoneMinder Server thing configuration.

# Discovery

The server bridge must be added manually. Once the server bridge is configured with a valid ZoneMinder host name or IP address, all monitors associated with the ZoneMinder server will be discovered.

# Thing Configuration

# Server Thing

The following configuration parameters are available on the Server thing:

Parameter Parameter ID Required/Optional Description
Host host Required Host name or IP address of the ZoneMinder server.
Use secure connection useSSL Required Use http or https for connection to ZoneMinder. Default is http.
Port Number portNumber Optional Port number if not on ZoneMinder default port 80.
Url Path urlPath Required Path where Zoneminder is installed. Default is /zm. Enter / if Zoneminder is installed under root directory.
Refresh Interval refreshInterval Required Frequency in seconds at which monitor status will be updated.
Default Alarm Duration defaultAlarmDuration Required Can be used to set the default alarm duration on discovered monitors.
Default Image Refresh Interval defaultImageRefreshInterval Optional Can be used to set the image refresh interval in seconds on discovered monitors. Leave empty to not set an image refresh interval.
Monitor Discovery Enabled discoveryEnabled Required Enable/disable the automatic discovery of monitors. Default is enabled.
Monitor Discovery Interval discoveryInterval Required Frequency in seconds at which the binding will try to discover monitors. Default is 300 seconds.
User ID user Optional User ID of ZoneMinder user when using authentication.
Password pass Optional Password of ZoneMinder user when using authentication.

# Monitor Thing

The following configuration parameters are available on the Monitor thing:

Parameter Parameter ID Required/Optional Description
Monitor ID monitorId Required Id of monitor defined in ZoneMinder.
Image Refresh Interval imageRefreshInterval Optional Interval in seconds in which snapshot image channel will be updated.
Alarm Duration alarmDuration Required How long the alarm will run once triggered by the triggerAlarm channel.

# Channels

# Server Thing

Channel Type Description
imageMonitorId String Monitor ID to use for selecting an image URL. Also, sending an OFF command to this channel will reset the monitor id and url to UNDEF.
imageUrl String Image URL for monitor id specified by imageMonitorId. Channel is UNDEF if the monitor id is not set, or if an OFF command is sent to the imageMonitorId channel.
videoMonitorId String Monitor ID to use for selecting a video URL. Also, sending an OFF command to this channel will reset the monitor id and url to UNDEF.
videoUrl String Video URL for monitor id specified by videoMonitorId. Channel is UNDEF if the monitor id is not set, or if an OFF command is sent to the videoMonitorId channel.

# Monitor Thing

Channel Type Description
id String Monitor ID
name String Monitor name
image Image Snapshot image
enable Switch Enable/disable monitor
function String Monitor function (e.g. Nodect, Mocord)
alarm Switch Monitor is alarming
state String Monitor state (e.g. IDLE, ALARM, TAPE)
triggerAlarm Switch Turn alarm on/off
hourEvents Number Number of events in last hour
dayEvents Number Number of events in last day
weekEvents Number Number of events in last week
monthEvents Number Number of events in last month
yearEvents Number Number of events in last year
totalEvents Number Total number of events
imageUrl String URL for image snapshot
videoUrl String URL for JPEG video stream
eventId String ID of most recently completed event
eventName String Name of most recently completed event
eventCause String Cause of most recently completed event
eventNotes String Notes of most recently completed event
eventStart DateTime Start date/time of most recently completed event
eventEnd DateTime End date/time of most recently completed event
eventFrames Number Number of frames of most recently completed event
eventAlarmFrames Number Number of alarm frames of most recently completed event
eventLength Number:Time Length in seconds of most recently completed event

# Thing Actions

# triggerAlarm

The triggerAlarm action triggers an alarm that runs for the number of seconds specified by the parameter duration.

# triggerAlarm - trigger an alarm
void triggerAlarm(Number duration)
duration - The number of seconds for which the alarm should run.

# triggerAlarm

The triggerAlarm action triggers an alarm that runs for the number of seconds specified in the Monitor thing configuration.

# triggerAlarm - trigger an alarm
void triggerAlarm()

# cancelAlarm

The cancelAlarm action cancels a running alarm.

# cancelAlarm - cancel an alarm
void cancelAlarm()

# Requirements

The binding requires ZoneMinder version 1.34.0 or greater, and API version 2.0 or greater. The API must be enabled in the ZoneMinder configuration using the OPT_USE_API parameter.

# Full Example

# Things

Bridge zoneminder:server:server [ host="", refreshInterval=5, defaultAlarmDuration=120, discoveryEnabled=true, useDefaultUrlPath=true ]

Thing zoneminder:monitor:1 "Monitor 1" (zoneminder:server:server) [ monitorId="1", imageRefreshInterval=10, alarmDuration=180 ]

Thing zoneminder:monitor:2 "Monitor 2" (zoneminder:server:server) [ monitorId="2", imageRefreshInterval=10, alarmDuration=180 ]

# Items

// Server
String ZmServer_ImageMonitorId "Image Monitor Id [%s]" { channel="zoneminder:server:server:imageMonitorId" }
String ZmServer_ImageUrl "Image Url [%s]" { channel="zoneminder:server:server:imageUrl" }
String ZmServer_VideoMonitorId "Video Monitor Id [%s]" { channel="zm:server:server:videoMonitorId" }
String ZmServer_VideoUrl "Video Url [%s]" { channel="zoneminder:server:server:videoUrl" }

// Monitor
String      ZM_Monitor1_Id           "Monitor Id [%s]"              { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:id" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_Name         "Monitor Name [%s]"            { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:name" }
Image       ZM_Monitor1_Image        "Image [%s]"                   { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:image" }
Switch      ZM_Monitor1_Enable       "Enable [%s]"                  { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:enable" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_Function     "Function [%s]"                { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:function" }
Switch      ZM_Monitor1_Alarm        "Alarm Status [%s]"            { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:alarm" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_State        "Alarm State [%s]"             { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:state" }
Switch      ZM_Monitor1_TriggerAlarm "Trigger Alarm [%s]"           { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:triggerAlarm" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_HourEvents   "Hour Events [%.0f]"           { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:hourEvents" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_DayEvents    "Day Events [%.0f]"            { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:dayEvents" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_WeekEvents   "Week Events [%.0f]"           { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:weekEvents" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_MonthEvents  "Month Events [%.0f]"          { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:monthEvents" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_TotalEvents  "Total Events [%.0f]"          { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:totalEvents" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_ImageUrl     "Image URL [%s]"               { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:imageUrl" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_VideoUrl     "Video URL [%s]"               { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:videoUrl" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_EventId      "Event Id [%s]"                { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventId" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_Event_Name   "Event Name [%s]"              { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventName" }
String      ZM_Monitor1_EventCause   "Event Cause [%s]"             { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventCause" }
DateTime    ZM_Monitor1_EventStart   "Event Start [%s]"             { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventStart" }
DateTime    ZM_Monitor1_EventEnd     "Event End [%s]"               { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventEnd" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_Frames       "Event Frames [%.0f]"          { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventFrames" }
Number      ZM_Monitor1_AlarmFrames  "Event Alarm Frames [%.0f]"    { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventAlarmFrames" }
Number:Time ZM_Monitor1_Length       "Event Length [%.2f]"          { channel="zoneminder:monitor:1:eventLength" }

# Sitemap

Selection item=ZmServer_ImageMonitorId
Image item=ZmServer_ImageUrl
Selection item=ZmServer_VideoMonitorId
Video item=ZmServer_VideoUrl url="" encoding="mjpeg"
Selection item=ZM_Monitor1_Function
Selection item=ZM_Monitor1_Enable
Image item=ZM_Monitor1_Image

# Rules

The following examples assume you have a motion sensor that is linked to an item called MotionSensorAlarm.

rule "Record When Motion Detected Using Channel"
    Item MotionSensorAlarm changed to ON
rule "Record for 120 Seconds When Motion Detected"
    Item MotionSensorAlarm changed to ON
    val zmActions = getActions("zoneminder", "zoneminder:monitor:1")
rule "Record When Motion Detected"
    Item MotionSensorAlarm changed to ON
    val zmActions = getActions("zoneminder", "zoneminder:monitor:1")
rule "Record When Motion Detection Cleared"
    Item MotionSensorAlarm changed to OFF
    val zmActions = getActions("zoneminder", "zoneminder:monitor:1")
val monitors = newArrayList("1", "3", "4", "6")
var int index = 0

rule "Rotate Through a List of Monitor Images Every 10 Seconds"
    Time cron "0/10 * * ? * * *"
    index = index + 1
    if (index >= monitors.size) {
        index = 0