# Souliss Binding

Souliss (opens new window) is a networking framework for Arduino and compatibles boards, and is designed to let you easily build a smart home that is distributed over multiple boards via Ethernet, WiFi, wireless point-to-point and RS485 bus.

Souliss is an open-source and community driven project, you can use the wiki (opens new window) and Community (opens new window) to get help and share your results.

# Prerequisites

The binding requires a deployed network. As a minimum, you need one Souliss node with Ethernet or WiFi access configured as a Gateway (opens new window). A Gateway is a special node that is able to communicate with the user interfaces. The binding interacts as a user interface for Souliss.

A starting point is the Souliss wiki (opens new window). The best is to start with a single node and connect with SoulissApp. The code for networking activities of this binding is based on SoulissApp (opens new window) code, so once connected with SoulissApp, you can move to openHAB directly.

You can use SoulissApp and the Souliss binding at the same time, and generally up to five (by default, but can be increased) user interfaces simultaneously.

# Sketches

The easiest way is start with a simple example to control an ON/OFF light (though a relay). You can go to project Souliss (opens new window), see a lot of examples sketches: Souliss examples (opens new window)

# Discovery

First add a gateway (one only is permitted on LAN at this moment), then discovery can find other things (Souliss Typicals)

# Supported Things

In Souliss Framework a Typical is one of predefined logic dedicated to smart home devices like lights, heating or antitheft.

Typical can be one of T11, T12, T13, T14, etc...

They are defined here (opens new window).

Typicals match directly with openHAB Thing type.

Device type Typical Code Thing type
ON/OFF Digital Output with Timer Option T11 t11
ON/OFF Digital Output with AUTO mode T12 t12
Digital Input Value T13 t13
Pulse Digital Output T14 t14
RGB LED Strip T16 t16
ON/OFF Digital Output T18 t18
Single Color LED Strip T19 t19
Digital Input Pass Through T1A t1A
Motorized devices with limit switches T21 t21
Motorized devices with limit switches and middle position T22 t22
Temperature control T31 t31
Anti-theft integration (Main) T41 t41
Anti-theft integration (Peer) T42 t42
Analog input, half-precision floating point T51 t51
Temperature measure (-20, +50) °C T52 t52
Humidity measure (0, 100) % T53 t53
Light Sensor (0, 40) kLux T54 t54
Voltage (0, 400) V T55 t55
Current (0, 25) A T56 t56
Power (0, 6500) W T57 t57
Pressure measure (0, 1500) hPa T58 t58
Analog Setpoint T61 t61
Analog Setpoint-Temperature measure (-20, +50) °C T62 t62
Analog Setpoint-Humidity measure (0, 100) % T63 t63
Analog Setpoint-Light Sensor (0, 40) kLux T64 t64
Analog Setpoint-Voltage (0, 400) V T65 t65
Analog Setpoint-Current (0, 25) A T66 t66
Analog Setpoint-Power (0, 6500) W T67 t67
Analog Setpoint-Pressure measure (0, 1500) hPa T68 t68
Broadcast messages Action Message topic

# Channels

The following matrix lists the capabilities (channels) for each type:

Thing type / Channel Switch / onOff Switch / sleep DateTime / lastStatusStored Number / healthy Switch / autoMode Contact / stateOnOff Contact / stateOpenClose Switch / pulse Switch / whiteMode Rollershutter / rollerBrightness Dimmer / dimmerBrightness Color / ledColor Switch / one Switch / two Switch / three Switch / four Switch / five Switch / six Switch / seven Switch / eight
t11 x x x x
t12 x x x x
t13 x x x x
t14 x x x
t16 x x x x x x x x
t18 x x x
t19 x x x x x x
t1A x x x x x x x x x x
Thing type / Channel DateTime / lastStatusStored Number / healthy Rollershutter / rollerShutter (see below) / rollerShutterState (see down) / mode (see down) / fan Switch / status Number / setPoint Switch / setAsMeasured Switch / measured Switch / statusAlarm Switch / onOffAlarm Switch / rearmAlarm
t21 x x x
t22 x x x x
t31 x x x x x x x x
t41 x x x x x
t42 x x x x

rollershutterstate = opening, closing, limSwitchOpen , limSwitchClose, stateOpen, stateClose, noLimSwitch



Thing type / Channel DateTime / lastStatusStored Number / healthy Number / value
t51 x x x
t52 x x x
t53 x x x
t54 x x x
t55 x x x
t56 x x x
t57 x x x
t58 x x x
Thing type / Channel DateTime / lastStatusStored Number / healthy Number / value
t61 x x x
t62 x x x
t63 x x x
t64 x x x
t65 x x x
t66 x x x
t67 x x x
t68 x x x
topic x x

# Parameters

Thing type Parameters Name and Default Value Description
Gateway gatewayLanAddress="" Mandatory - lan address of Gateway
" gatewayWanAddress="" (advanced) When gateway is outside local network can insert domain/ip in this field
" gatewayPortNumber=230 (advanced) Gateway UDP Port
" preferredLocalPortNumber=23000 (advanced) Local UDP Port
" pingInterval=30 (advanced) Interval in seconds to check for device presence
" subscriptionInterval=2 (advanced) Interval in minutes to subscribe Souliss Gateway
" healthyInterval=35 (advanced) Interval in seconds to send nodes healthy
" userIndex=70 (advanced) Generally the default is good. It must be different from other ui (ex: SoulissApp)
" nodeIndex=120 (advanced) Generally the default value work good. It must is different from other ui (ex: SoulissApp)
Txx (all) Node Node of typical
Txx (all) Slot Slot of typical
T11 sleep=5 Set sleep timer in cycles
T11 secureSend=true Ensure command is correctly executed
T16 sleep=5 Set sleep timer in cycles
T19 sleep=5 Set sleep timer in cycles

# Full Example


Bridge souliss:gateway:105 "Souliss Gateway - 105" [gatewayLanAddress="", gatewayPortNumber=230, preferredLocalPortNumber=0, pingInterval=30, subscriptionInterval=2, healthyInterval=38, userIndex=72, nodeIndex=38,  timeoutToRequeue=5000, timeoutToRemovePacket=20000]
Thing t14 1-6 "Portoncino"@"Rientro" [node=1,slot=6] //thing UID is named as node-slot only as mnemonic convention, but you are free to assign other values
Thing t14 1-7 "Cancello"@"Rientro" [node=1,slot=7]
Thing t57 1-4 "Consumo"@"Soggiorno" [node=1,slot=4]
Thing t57 4-0 "Fotovoltaico"@"Soggiorno" [node=4,slot=0]
Thing t57 4-6 "Pannelli Gruppo 1"@"Soggiorno" [node=4,slot=6]
Thing t57 4-8 "Pannelli Gruppo 2"@"Soggiorno" [node=4,slot=8]
Thing t52 4-10 "Temp.Pannelli Gruppo 1"@"Soggiorno" [node=4,slot=10]
Thing t52 4-12 "Temp.Pannelli Gruppo 2"@"Soggiorno" [node=4,slot=12]

Thing t52 3-0 "Temperatura Boiler Solare Termico" [node=3,slot=0]
Thing t52 3-2 "Temperatura Termocamino" [node=3,slot=2]
Thing t11 3-4 "Acqua Termocamino" [node=3,slot=4]
Thing t11 3-6 "Auto: Boiler / Termocamino" [node=3,slot=6]
Thing t31 3-7  "Acqua Auto: Boiler / Termocamino" [node=3,slot=7]

Thing t31 6-0 "Termostato Soggiorno"@"Soggiorno" [node=6,slot=0]
Thing t53 6-7 "Umidità"@"Soggiorno" [node=6,slot=7]
Thing t19 6-9 "Termostato Soggiorno - Luminosità"@"Soggiorno" [node=6,slot=9]

Thing t11 5-0 "Tettoia"@"Giardino"  [node=5,slot=0]

Thing t11 12-0 "Divano"@"Soggiorno" [node=12,slot=0,sleep=10, secureSend=false] 

Thing t16 8-0 "LYT1" [node=8,slot=0]

Thing t11 10-0 "Albero di Natale" [node=10,slot=0]
Thing t11 11-0 "Birra"@"Soppalco" [node=11,slot=0]
Thing t52 11-1 "Birra - Temp 1"@"Soppalco" [node=11,slot=1]
Thing t52 11-3 "Birra - Temp 2"@"Soppalco" [node=11,slot=3]

You have to write your Gateway IP Number and leave all other to default values


Group    Home                 "Tonino"        <house>

Group    FamilyRoom           "Soggiorno"     <parents_2_4>   (Home)
Group    Divano               "Divano"        (Home)
Group    Outside              "Esterno"   <garden>   (Home)
Group    TV                   "TV"   <television>   (Home)
Group    Elettricita
Group    Diagnostic
Group    TermostatoSoggiorno

Switch   tettoia                "Tettoia"                                   <light>     (Outside)   ["Lighting"]    {autoupdate="false", channel="souliss:t11:105:5-0:onoff"}
String   tettoia_aggiornamento  "Agg [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <keyring>   (Outside, Diagnostic)       {channel="souliss:t31:105:5-0:lastStatusStored"}

Switch   portoncino             "Portoncino"            <light>         (FamilyRoom)         ["Lighting"]   {autoupdate="false",channel="souliss:t14:105:1-6:pulse"}
Switch   cancello               "Cancello"              <light>         (FamilyRoom)         ["Lighting"]   {autoupdate="false",channel="souliss:t14:105:1-7:pulse"}

Number   FamilyRoom_Temperature   "Temperatura [%.1f °C]"                       <temperature>   (FamilyRoom)              {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:measured"}
Number   FamilyRoom_Humidity      "Umidità [%.1f %%]"                           <humidity>      (FamilyRoom)              {channel="souliss:t53:105:6-7:value"}
String   AggiornamentoNodo6       "Agg [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]"   <keyring>       (FamilyRoom, Diagnostic)  {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:lastStatusStored"}

Number   Consumo            "Consumo [%.1f W]"                                          <energy>  (FamilyRoom, Elettricita)              {channel="souliss:t57:105:1-4:value"}
Number   Fotovoltaico       "Fotovoltaico [%.1f W]"                                     <energy>  (FamilyRoom, Elettricita)              {channel="souliss:t57:105:4-0:value"}
String   AggiornamentoNodo1 "Agg.Consumi [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]"         <keyring> (FamilyRoom, Elettricita, Diagnostic)  {channel="souliss:t57:105:1-4:lastStatusStored"}
String   AggiornamentoNodo4 "Agg.Fotovoltaico [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]"    <keyring> (FamilyRoom, Elettricita, Diagnostic)  {channel="souliss:t57:105:4-0:lastStatusStored"}
Switch divano               "Divano"                                        <light> (FamilyRoom, Divano ) ["Switchable"]    {autoupdate="false", channel="souliss:t11:105:12-0:onOff"}
String divano_aggiornamento "Agg. [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]"    <keyring> (FamilyRoom, Divano, Diagnostic)      {channel="souliss:t57:105:12-0:lastStatusStored"}
String divano_healthy       "Salute"                                        <keyring> (FamilyRoom, Divano, Diagnostic)      {channel="souliss:t57:105:12-0:healthy"}

Number termostatosoggiorno_temperatura  "Temperatura [%.1f °C]" <temperature>   (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:measured"}
Number termostatosoggiorno_umidita      "Umidità [%.1f %%]"     <temperature>   (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t53:105:6-7:value" }

Number termostatosoggiorno_umidita "Umidità" <humidity>   (TermostatoSoggiorno)  {channel="souliss:t53:105:6-7:value" }

Number termostatosoggiorno_temperatura      "Temperatura"                   <temperature>   (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:measured"}
Number termostatosoggiorno_setpoint         "Regola Set Point [%.1f °c]"    <heating>       (TermostatoSoggiorno) {autoupdate="false", channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:sePpoint"}
Switch termostatosoggiorno_setasmeasured    "Set temp. attuale"             <heating>       (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:setAsMeasured"}
String termostatosoggiorno_modo             "Modo"                                          (TermostatoSoggiorno) {autoupdate="false", channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:mode"}
Switch termostatosoggiorno_power            "Termostato"                    <powerIcon>     (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:system"}
Switch termostatosoggiorno_fire             "Fire"                          <fire>          (TermostatoSoggiorno) {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:fire"}

Dimmer  TermostatoSoggiorno_displayBright   "Lumin.min. display"                                    (TermostatoSoggiorno)               {channel="souliss:t19:105:6-9" }
String TermostatoSoggiorno_aggiornamento    "Agg.[%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <keyring>   (TermostatoSoggiorno, Diagnostic)   {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:lastStatusStored"}
Number TermostatoSoggiorno_healthy          "Salute"                                    <keyring>   (TermostatoSoggiorno, Diagnostic )  {channel="souliss:t31:105:6-0:healthy"}


sitemap default label="Tonino" {
    Frame {
        Text label="Rientro casa" icon="light" {
           Switch item=portoncino mappings=[ON="Apri"]
           Switch item=cancello mappings=[ON="Apri"]
 Frame {
        Group item=Outside

Text item=Consumo label="Consumo [%.1f W]"
Text item=Fotovoltaico label="Fotovoltaico [%.1f W]"

Frame {

        Group item=Elettricita label="Elettricità" icon="energy"

Frame {  
       Group item=Divano icon="light"

Frame label="Temperature"{

            Text label="Temperatura e umidità" icon="temperature" {
            Default item=FamilyRoom_Temperature label="Temperatura"
            Default item=FamilyRoom_Humidity label="Umidità"
            Default item=AggiornamentoNodo6 icon="icon16x16"

Text label="Termostato soggiorno" icon="temperature" {
            Setpoint item=termostatosoggiorno_setpoint step=0.5 minValue=10 maxValue=30
            Default item=termostatosoggiorno_temperatura
            Default item=termostatosoggiorno_umidita
            Switch item=termostatosoggiorno_setasmeasured mappings=[ON="Set"]
            Switch item=termostatosoggiorno_modo label="Heating Mode" mappings=[HEATING_MODE="Set"] 
            Switch item=termostatosoggiorno_power label="Power On/Off"
            Default item=termostatosoggiorno_fire label="Fire"
            Text item=termostatoSoggiorno_aggiornamento label="Aggiornato: [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" icon="icon16x16"
            Default item=termostatoSoggiorno_healthy
            Slider item=termostatoSoggiorno_displayBright

# Community

Souliss is a small community and doesn't have sufficient human resources to be more active on openHAB official community.

These are some very popular forum:

English Group, here (opens new window)

Italian Group, here (opens new window)

Spanish Group, here (opens new window)

# Contribution

Official repository for contributing to the Souliss project, GitHub page: here (opens new window)

# Known issues

Securesend is, at moment, enabled and tested only for t11...