# Sonos Binding

This binding integrates the Sonos Multi-Room Audio system (opens new window).

Attention: You might run into trouble if your control system (the binding) is in another subnet than your Sonos device. Sonos devices make use of multicast which in most cases needs additional router configuration outside of a single subnet. If you observe communication errors (COMMUNICATION_ERROR/not registered), you might need to configure your router to increase the TTL of the packets send by your Sonos device. This happens because of a TTL=1 for ALIVE packets send by Sonos devices, resulting in dropped packets after one hop.

# Supported Things

All available Sonos (playback) devices are supported by this binding. This includes the One, One SL, Move, Roam, Roam SL, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5, Five, Connect, Connect:Amp, Port, Amp, SYMFONISK, Playbar, Playbase, Beam, Arc, Arc SL and Sub. The Bridge and Boost are not supported, but these devices do only have an auxiliary role in the Sonos network and do not have any playback capability. All supported Sonos devices are registered as an audio sink in the framework.

When being defined in a *.things file, the specific thing types One, OneSL, Move, Roam, RoamSL, PLAY1, PLAY3, PLAY5, Five, SYMFONISK, PLAYBAR, PLAYBASE, Beam, Arc, ArcSL, CONNECT, CONNECTAMP, Port and Amp should be used.

Please note that these thing types are case sensitive (you need to define them exactly as stated above).

# Discovery

The Sonos devices are discovered through UPnP in the local network and all devices are put in the Inbox. Beware that all Sonos devices have to be added to the local Sonos installation as described in the Sonos setup procedure, e.g. through the Sonos Controller software or smartphone app.

# Binding Configuration

The binding has the following configuration options, which can be set for "binding:sonos":

Parameter Name Description Required
opmlUrl OPML Service URL URL for the OPML/tunein.com service no
callbackUrl Callback URL URL to use for playing notification sounds, e.g. no

# Thing Configuration

The Sonos Thing requires the UPnP UDN (Unique Device Name) as a configuration value in order for the binding to know how to access it. All the Sonos UDN have the "RINCON_000E58D8403A0XXXX" format (value to be found via Sonos item in the Inbox). Additionally, a refresh interval, used to poll the Sonos device, can be specified (in seconds). You can use the notificationVolume property for setting a default volume (in percent) to be used to play notifications. In the thing file, this looks e.g. like

Thing sonos:PLAY1:1 [udn="RINCON_000E58D8403A0XXXX", refresh=60, notificationVolume=25]

# Channels

The devices support the following channels:

Channel Type ID Item Type Access Mode Description Thing types
add String W Add the given Zone Player to the group of this Zone Player all
alarm Switch W Set the first occurring alarm either ON or OFF. Alarms first have to be defined through the Sonos Controller app all
alarmproperties String R Properties of the alarm currently running all
alarmrunning Switch R Set to ON if the alarm was triggered all
bass Number RW Set or get the bass level adjustment (value in range -10 / 10) all
batterycharging Switch R Indicator set to ON when the battery is charging Move, Roam, RoamSL
batterylevel Number R Current battery level Move, Roam, RoamSL
clearqueue Switch W Suppress all songs from the current queue all
codec String R Name of codec currently being decoded Arc, Arc SL, PLAYBAR, PLAYBASE, Beam, Amp
control Player RW Control the Zone Player, e.g. PLAY/PAUSE/NEXT/PREVIOUS all
coordinator String R UDN of the coordinator for the current group all
currentalbum String R Name of the album currently playing all
currentalbumart Image R Cover art of the album currently playing all
currentalbumarturl String R Cover art URL of the album currently playing all
currentartist String R Name of the artist currently playing all
currenttitle String R Title of the song currently playing all
currenttrack String R Name of the current track or radio station currently playing all
currenttrackuri String R URI of the current track all
currenttransporturi String R URI of the current AV transport all
favorite String W Play the given favorite entry. The favorite entry has to be predefined in the Sonos Controller app all
heightlevel Number RW Set or get the height level adjustment (value in range -10 / 10) Arc, Arc SL
led Switch RW Set or get the status of the white LED on the front of the Zone Player all
linein Switch R Indicator set to ON when the line-in of the Zone Player is connected PLAY5, Five, CONNECT, CONNECTAMP, PLAYBAR, PLAYBASE, Beam, Port
analoglinein Switch R Indicator set to ON when the analog line-in of the Zone Player is connected Amp
digitallinein Switch R Indicator set to ON when the digital line-in of the Zone Player is connected Amp
localcoordinator Switch R Indicator set to ON if the this Zone Player is the Zone Group Coordinator all
loudness Switch RW Enable or disable the loudness all
microphone Switch R Indicator set to ON when the microphone is enabled Arc, Beam, Move, One, Roam
mute Switch RW Set or get the mute state of the master volume of the Zone Player all
nightmode Switch RW Enable or disable the night mode feature PLAYBAR, PLAYBASE, Beam, Amp
notificationsound String W Play a notification sound by a given URI all
playlinein String W This channel supports playing the audio source connected to the line-in of the zoneplayer identified by the Thing UID or UPnP UDN provided by the String. All
playlist String W Play the given playlist. The playlist has to predefined in the Sonos Controller app all
playqueue Switch W Play the songs from the current queue all
playtrack Number W Play the given track number from the current queue all
playuri String W Play the given URI all
publicaddress Switch W Put all Zone Players in one group, and stream audio from the line-in from the Zone Player that triggered the command all except Amp
publicanalogaddress Switch W Put all Zone Players in one group, and stream audio from the analog line-in from the Zone Player that triggered the command Amp
publicdigitaladdress Switch W Put all Zone Players in one group, and stream audio from the digital line-in from the Zone Player that triggered the command Amp
radio String W Play the given radio station. The radio station has to be predefined in the Sonos Controller app all
remove String W Remove the given Zone Player from the group of this Zone Player all
repeat String RW Repeat the track or queue playback. The accepted values are OFF, ONE and ALL all
restore Switch W Restore the state of the Zone Player all
restoreall Switch W Restore the state of all the Zone Players all
save Switch W Save the state of the Zone Player all
saveall Switch W Save the state of all the Zone Players all
shuffle Switch RW Shuffle the queue playback all
sleeptimer Number RW Set/show the duration of the SleepTimer in seconds all
snooze Number W Snooze the running alarm, if any, with the given number of minutes all
speechenhancement Switch RW Enable or disable the speech enhancement feature PLAYBAR, PLAYBASE, Beam, One, Amp
standalone Switch W Make the Zone Player leave its Group and become a standalone Zone Player all
state String R The State channel contains state of the Zone Player, e.g. PLAYING, STOPPED, ... all
stop Switch W Write ON to this channel: Stops the Zone Player player. all
treble Number RW Set or get the treble level adjustment (value in range -10 / 10) all
subwoofer Switch RW Enable or disable the subwoofer Arc, Arc SL
subwoofergain Number RW Set or get the subwoofer gain adjustment (value in range -15 / 15) Arc, Arc SL
surround Switch RW Enable or disable the surround audio Arc, Arc SL
surroundmusicmode String RW Set or get the surround playback mode for music, either 0 for Ambient or 1 for full Arc, Arc SL
surroundmusiclevel Number RW Set or get the surround level adjustment for music (value in range -15 / 15) Arc, Arc SL
surroundtvlevel Number RW Set or get the surround level adjustment for TV (value in range -15 / 15) Arc, Arc SL
tuneinstationid String RW Provide the current TuneIn station id or play the TuneIn radio given by its station id all
volume Dimmer RW Set or get the master volume of the Zone Player all
zonegroupid String R Id of the Zone Group the Zone Player belongs to all
zonename String R Name of the Zone associated to the Zone Player all

The playline channel accepts as command either the thing UID or the UPnP UDN. Note that you can prefix your command value with "Analog," or "Digital," to distinguish the line-in of your Sonos device. This is useful for the Sonos Amp in particular.

# Audio Support

All supported Sonos devices are registered as an audio sink in the framework. Audio streams are treated as notifications, i.e. they are fed into the notificationsound channel. The notificationsound channel change the volume of the audio sink to the value defined in the notificationVolume property of the thing and restores it after finished playing. Note that the Sonos binding has a limit of 20 seconds for notification sounds. Any sound that is longer than that will be cut off.

URL audio streams (e.g. an Internet radio stream) are an exception and do not get sent to the notificationsound channel. Instead, these will be sent to the playuri channel.

# Full Example


Thing sonos:PLAY1:living [ udn="RINCON_000E58D8403A0XXXX", refresh=60]


Group Sonos <player>

Player Sonos_Controller   "Controller"                          (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:control"}
Dimmer Sonos_Volume       "Volume [%.1f %%]" <soundvolume>      (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:volume"}
Switch Sonos_Mute         "Mute"             <soundvolume_mute> (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:mute"}
Switch Sonos_LED          "LED"              <switch>           (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:led"}
String Sonos_CurrentTrack "Now playing [%s]" <text>             (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:currenttrack"}
String Sonos_State        "Status [%s]"      <text>             (Sonos) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:living:state"}


sitemap demo label="Main Menu"
    Frame label="Sonos" {
        Default item=Sonos_Controller
        Slider  item=Sonos_Volume
        Switch  item=Sonos_Mute
        Switch  item=Sonos_LED
        Text    item=Sonos_CurrentTrack
        Text    item=Sonos_State