# Sonnen Binding

The binding for sonnen communicates with a sonnen battery. More information about the sonnen battery can be found here (opens new window).

# Supported Things

Thing Type Description
sonnenbattery Monitoring of a sonnen battery

# Thing Configuration

Only the parameter hostIP is required; this is the IP address of the sonnen battery in your local network.

# Channels

The following channels are yet supported:

Channel Type Access Description
batteryChargingState Switch read Indicates if the Battery is charging at that moment
batteryCharging Number:Energy read Indicates the actual current charging the Battery. Otherwise 0.
batteryDischargingState Switch read Indicates if the Battery is discharging at that moment
batteryDischarging Number:Energy read Indicates the actual current discharging the Battery. Otherwise 0.
batteryFeedIn Number:Energy read Indicates the actual charging current of the Battery in watt
batteryDischarging Number:Energy read Indicates the actual current discharging the Battery in watt
consumption Number:Energy read Indicates the actual consumption of the consumer in watt
gridFeedIn Number:Energy read Indicates the actual current feeding to the Grid in watt.0 if nothing is feeded
gridConsumption Number:Energy read Indicates the actual current consumption from the Grid in watt.0 if nothing is received
solarProduction Number:Energy read Indicates the actual production of the Solar system in watt
batteryLevel Number read Indicates the actual Battery Level in % from 0 - 100
flowConsumptionBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Battery towards Consumption
flowConsumptionGridState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Grid towards Consumption
flowConsumptionProductionState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Solar Production towards Consumption
flowGridBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Grid towards Battery
flowProductionBatteryState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Production towards Battery
flowProductionGridState Switch read Indicates if there is a current flow from Production towards Grid

# Full Example


Thing sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery "Sonnen Battery"  [ hostIP=""]


Number:Energy Consumption { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:consumption" }
Number:Energy GridFeeding { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:gridFeedIn" }
Number BatteryLevel { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:batteryLevel" }
Switch FlowConsumptionBattery { channel="sonnen:sonnenbattery:myBattery:flowConsumptionBattery" }

# Tested Hardware

The binding was successfully tested with the following sonnen battery:

  • sonnnen eco 8.0 SW Version: