# Neato Binding

This binding is used to connect your openHAB system with Neato web (where you log in and find Your Neato's). The binding supports discovery via configuring your login and password to a bridge. From the binding, you will get status of your vacuum cleaners and also a command channel where you can control them. Since the binding uses a polling mechanism, there may be some latency depending on your setting regarding refresh time.

For log in transaction, the binding uses Neato Beehive API and for status and control, the binding uses Nucleao API.

# Supported Things

Supported thing types

  • neatoaccount (bridge)
  • vacuumcleaner

A bridge is required to connect to your Neato Cloud account.

All "Connected" type vacuum cleaners should be supported by this binding since they are supported by the Neato API. As of todays date, it is only verified with Neato Connected and Neato D7 vacuum cleaners.

# Discovery

Discovery is used after a bridge has been created and configured with your login information.

  1. Add the binding
  2. Add a new thing of type NeatoAccount and configure with username and password
  3. Go to Inbox and start discovery of Vacuums using Neato Binding
  4. Vacuums should appear in your inbox!

# Thing Configuration

In order to manually create a thing file and not use the discovery routine you will need to know the vacuums serial number as well as the secret used in web service calls. This is a bit difficult to get. The easiest way of getting this information is to use the third party python library that is available at https://github.com/stianaske/pybotvac (opens new window).

Neato Account Config

Config Description
email Email address tied to Neato Account
password Password tied to Neato Account

Vacuum Cleaner Config

Config Description
serial Serial Number of your Neato Robot
secret Secret for accessing Neato web services (see note above)
refresh Refresh time interval in seconds for updates from the Neato Web Service. Defaults to 60 sec

# Channels

Channel Type Label Description Read Only
battery-level Number Battery Level Battery Level of the vacuum cleaner. True
state String Current State Current state of the vacuum cleaner. True
available-services String Current available services List of services that are currently available for the vacuum cleaner True
action String Current Action Current action of the vacuum cleaner. True
dock-has-been-seen Switch Dock has been seen True or False value if the dock has been seen True
is-docked Switch Is docked Is the vacuum cleaner in the docking station? True
is-scheduled Switch Is scheduled enabled True or False value if the vacuum cleaner is scheduled for cleaning. True
is-charging Switch Is Charging Is the vacuum cleaner currently charging? True
available-commands String Available Commands List of available commands. True
error String Error Current error message in system. True
command String Send Command Send Commands to Vacuum Cleaner. (clean with map, clean, pause, resume, stop, dock) False
cleaning-category String Cleaning Category Current or Last category of the cleaning. Manual, Normal House Cleaning or Spot Cleaning. True
cleaning-mode String Cleaning Mode Current or Last cleaning mode. Eco or Turbo. True
cleaning-modifier String Cleaning Modifier Modifier of current or last cleaning. Normal or Double. True
cleaning-spotwidth Number Spot Width Current or Last cleaning, width of spot. 100-400cm. True
cleaning-spotheight Number Spot Height Current or Last cleaning, height of spot. 100-400cm. True

# Full Example

Below you will find examples of the necessary files:

# neato.items

Group GNeato
Number FannDammBattery  "Battery level [%.0f %%]" <battery> (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:battery-level" }
String FannDammState  "Status [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:state" }
String FannDammError  "Error [%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:error" }
String FannDammAction  "Action [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:action" }
Switch FannDammDockHasBeenSeen  "Seen dock [%s]" <present> (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:dock-has-been-seen" }
Switch FannDammIsDocked  "In dock [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" <present> (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:is-docked" }
Switch FannDammIsScheduled  "Scheduled [%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:is-scheduled" }
Switch FannDammIsCharging  "Is Charging [%s]" <heating> (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:is-charging" }
String FannDammCategory  "Cleaning Category [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" (GNeato)  { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:cleaning-category" }
String FannDammMode  "Cleaning Mode [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:cleaning-mode" }
String FannDammModifier  "Cleaning Modifier [MAP(neato-sv.map):%s]" (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:cleaning-modifier" }
Number FannDammSpotWidth  "SpotWidth [%.0f]" <niveau> (GNeato) { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:cleaning-spotwidth" }
Number FannDammSpotHeight  "SpotHeight [%.0f]" <niveau> (GNeato)  { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:cleaning-spotheight" }
String FannDammCommand  "Send Command" { channel = "neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm:command" }

# neato.sitemap

Frame label="Neato BotVac Connected" {
    Switch item=FannDammCommand mappings=[cleanWithMap="cleanWithMap", clean="Clean",stop="Stop",pause="Pause",resume="Resume", dock="Send to dock"]
    Text item=FannDammBattery label="Battery level"
    Text item=FannDammState
    Text item=FannDammError label="Error Message" icon="siren"
    Text item=FannDammAction label="Activity"
    Text item=FannDammIsDocked label="In dock"
    Group label="Mer information" item=GNeato

# neato.things

neato:vacuumcleaner:fanndamm [ serial="vacuumcleaner-serial", secret="secret-string"]